Python Software Foundation Grant Proposal

Month Year

LeaderFirst LeaderLastName Organizer, Pyladies Location

Grant Proposal: $72 to cover the cost of Pyladies Location’s subscription for six months, August 2014 through January 2015.

Grant Objective: Fund the use of for organizing and managing Pyladies Madison for a six month period. helps to increase the visibility of the user group, as well as boost attendance through automated reminders, RSVP functionality, and other tools. It also makes organizing and promoting the group easier, as well as providing a platform to garner sponsorships and thank sponsors publicly.

Grant Size: $72 total, which is the cost of 6 months to organize a group on

Grant Beneficiaries: Pyladies Madison is one of the newest groups of Pyladies. The account is a critical piece of getting the group off of the ground. The site is already used widely by other Tech Meetup groups in the Madison area and is one of the first places people will look for new meetup opportunities. is a well-known site for people looking for like-minded individuals, providing us good visibility for new members. It also cross-promotes groups to each other, encouraging members of other tech groups to consider joining ours. provides a centralized location where our members see what’s coming up and who has RSVPed for the meeting. Members can also leave comments about the group itself.

Preferred method of funds delivery:

A check written out to:

Organizer Name Organizer Address